I have to give huge kudos to Damu Venkatesan for creating the SQL PASS Virtual Chapter on SQL Server and Healthcare. This was my topic for SQLSaturday #53 and it was the participants and the organizer Bill Fellows who mentioned me to Damu to make this happen. So, for any skeptics out there, networking does work!
I love this topic! Healthcare IT is such an exciting field to be a part of. I've witnessed phenomenal changes in my company. We've virtualized the heck out of or systems and implemented one of the largest EHR infrastructures in the county. I wish I could say I was part of the EHR implementation but sadly that has fallen to the EPIC\Intersystems team with the esoteric batch of Cache' DBA's. They can no doubt write their own paychecks now. Working for a major hospital system isn't all fun and games. With growth comes growing pains and I've seen both the good and bad side of how a company changes as it grows.
I feel privileged to be the inaugural speaker for the SQL Server and Healthcare Virtual Chapter. My presentation will discuss why the chapter exists in the first place. I don't mean why Damu thought of it specifically but why SQL Server and Healthcare and not something like SQL Server and Banking or SQL Server and the Restaurant Industry. I'm hoping some of the answers will surprise you and give you some insight into what a crazy environment this is and is yet to become.
Please join me on November 17th at 1 PM EST. The link is at http://healthcare.sqlpass.org/. Feel free to email me any questions ahead of time at spshaw70@gmail.com or send me specific items you would like me to discuss. I'm looking forward to the presentation and I want it to be an enjoyable experience for everyone.